Sunday, April 25, 2010

Report for the New Electronic Organ

P   500 - PCM
P3,000 - AC
P1,000 - GC and WC
P   500 - MA 
P   500 - KTMD
P1,000 - HMD
P1,000 - LDD
P1,000 - IJT
P   500 - PNSL
P2,000 - AMC
P1,000 - VJMC
P1,000 - SAG

P13,000 - TOTAL

Downpayment - P2,000 (for reservation)

P 11,000 - Cash on hand

P1,000 - PLUB
P5,000 - MASE
P5,000 - MASE
P11,000 - Total Pledges

1 comment:

  1. We still need P10,000 more! The organ is on sale at P34,000 from P39,000.
