Sunday, December 27, 2009

Induction of Our New Set of Officers for 2010

We inducted our church officers yesterday, December 27 during our Sunday Worship service here in our main church.

Officers declaring their pledge of commitment.

Ira J. Taala, Head, Men's Fellowship

Geline A. Taala, Head, Women's Fellowship

Pauline C. Martinez, Head, Young Professionals

GR Jophil Taala, Head, Youth Fellowship

Velma Jane C. Lao, Church Secretary

Lolita U. Basco, Church Treasurer

Irish May A. Caro, Head, Children's Church

Aileen Gay M. Cubing, Head, Music Team

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Welcome to the Living Rock Church (2010)

Hi! We have crossed over to a new year, a year full of challenges and possibilities. We crossover with confident hearts, not only because we have been trained and equipped this past year for what's to come this year, but because we know that the God who gave us victory in preceding years will be with us all throughout this new year.